
2006年10月13日 星期五


自由論壇   2006. 10. 13.


        詐騙集團透過電話利誘、威脅、詐術等手段,誘騙受害人將錢匯到他們的人頭帳戶。我們也可以虛與委蛇,喬裝上當,套出詐騙集團人頭帳戶的帳號,這叫做以毒攻毒,以其人之道還諸其人。用多數的民眾來圍剿少數的詐騙集團成員,是必勝的戰爭。但是沒有政府的「登高一呼」,沒有全民的響應,也就無法一舉殲滅詐騙集團,使其永久銷聲匿跡。 七月十三日 及 九月十六日 我在「自由論壇」有較詳細的論述。







〈作者 - 高為邦,為台灣投資中國受害者協會  理事長〉

2006年10月8日 星期日

Labor plays a key role in reviving the economy

Published on TaipeiTimes

Sunday, Oct 08, 2006, Page 8

The rapid outflow of industry from Taiwan to China has been the primary factor leading to the nation's sluggish economy. But why are Taiwanese businesspeople willing to turn their back on their country and invest in China? A primary reason is the shortage and high cost of labor in Taiwan, making it hard for them to remain internationally competitive.  

Given the Taiwanese government's rigid foreign labor policies, there is no way to resolve the labor shortage problem. In order to survive, domestic business leaders cannot help but leave Taiwan in silent protest against the government.  

For the general public, the industry exodus has led to factory closures, protests, unemployment, robberies and suicides and difficulties surviving for most people. For the government, it has translated into diminishing tax revenues, increasing welfare expenditures, deteriorating public order, declining social mores and a waning economy. 

The government has finally grasped the severity of the situation and is acting to improve the domestic investment environment in the hope of attracting foreign capital and enticing China-based Taiwanese businesses to return.  

However, legal restrictions have made past proposals to revive the economy either too idealistic or unfeasible, causing them to miss their mark. As a result, the government still has not been able to provide China-based Taiwanese businesspeople with substantial incentives to return home to do business.  

To do so, industrial areas should be designated as separate units within which government officials and business representatives can establish a management committee. The committee will have the right to import labor, and the commission earned from this can be distributed on a proportional basis to businesses in the area. 

In this way, labor costs would be cut in half, while foreign workers' salaries would remain unchanged. In other words, this would simply be a way to prevent paying unnecessary commissions to specially privileged labor brokers. This would not only alleviate the cost burden on industries, but also reduce the chance of government corruption.  

In addition, a one-to-one ratio for local and foreign labor should be instituted. Many people have been taken in by the myth that foreign laborers are taking jobs away from domestic workers. Without foreign laborers, local workers would lose their jobs anyway as industries that cannot survive relocate abroad.  

But how can Taiwan ensure that hiring foreign laborers would not mean lost employment opportunities for local workers?  

The government could stipulate that factories cannot cut their number of domestic workers simply to hire foreign labor. For new factories, the one-to-one ratio should apply. Doing this will ensure that the number of local work places will increase, rather than decrease, as a result of the importation of foreign labor.  

While these policy adjustments may not be able to lower labor costs to China's level, they can help promote Taiwan's economic competitiveness. 

Fortunately, labor costs account only for a portion of production costs. Taiwan's manufacturing industry also has other advantages, such as low investment risks, easy access to financing, the added value of the "Made in Taiwan" label and worry-free sustainable management.  

I believe that these are the only conditions under which China-based Taiwanese businesspeople will have the confidence to return to Taiwan. Aided by their return, Taiwan will be able to recover from its economic predicament and create a second economic miracle. 

William Kao (高為邦) is chairman of the Victims of Investment in China Association.

Translated by Lin Ya-ti


2006年10月5日 星期四

先有大投資 才有大溫暖

自由論壇 2006. 10. 5.

        不久前行政院提出「大溫暖 大投資」計劃,在肯定之前,很耽心「大溫暖」只是齊頭式的津貼,而無法集中於真正弱勢族群,徒增國家債務。「大投資」若不能對症下藥,那恐怕又如以往的「全球運籌中心」、「八一○○ 台灣起動」、「加值島服務中心」等計劃,只是口號政策,在畫大餅而已。







        以上調整雖然不能把勞力成本降到中國的水準,但已經大大地提高了台灣的競爭力。所幸勞力成本不是唯一的成本,加上在台灣生產的其他優勢:如投資風險小、融資容易、Made In Taiwan的價值、能夠安心地永續經營。


〈作者 - 高為邦,為台灣投資中國受害者協會理事長〉